September 2021

Federal election recap: What does another Liberal minority mean for Calgary real estate?

Posted on Sep 27, 2021

Federal election day has come and gone. Now that the dust has settled – with the exception of a few hotly contested ridings where final votes are still being counted – we know that Justin Trudeau’s Liberals will be returning to the House of Commons with another minority government.

Currently, the Liberals are elected or leading in 159 seats (+2), th...

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Why Do-It-Yourself Homes Sales are a Major “Don’t”

Posted on Sep 27, 2021

Some projects lend themselves to a DIY approach, but others, like open heart surgery and selling your house, are better left to the pros.

Though the thought of saving a few dollars might be tempting, many people do not understand the time and effort required go the for-sale-by-owner (FSBO) route.

One reason for this lack of understanding is that the...

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Market continues shift toward more balanced conditions after torrid start to the year

Posted on Sep 02, 2021

City of Calgary, Sept. 1, 2021 –

Citywide sales in August reached 2,151 units, 37 per cent higher than last year and 25 per cent higher than long-term trends. Sales have slowed from the record-setting pace seen earlier this year, but on a year-to-date basis, the eight-month total of 19,516 sales is higher than annual sales figures recorded over the...

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